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Wholesale Price List Of Chinese Herbs With Chinese (4)




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No. Name Pin Yin   English  Latin 
A181 海风藤 hai feng teng kadsura pepper stem Piperis Kadsurae Caulis
A182 海蛤粉 hai ha fen clamshell powder clamshell powder
A183 海狗肾 hai gou shen seal's genitals Callorhini seu Phocae Testis et Penis
A184 海金沙 hai jin sha lygodium spore Lygodii Spora
A185 海龙 hai long pipe-fish Syngnathus
A186 海马 hai ma sea horse Hippocampus
A187 海螵蛸 hai piao xiao cuttlefish bone Sepiae seu Sepiella Os
A188 海桐皮 hai tong pi erythrina bark Erythrinae Cortex
A189 海澡 hai zao sargassum Sargassi Herba
A190 寒水石 han shui shi glauberite Gypsum seu Calcitum
A191 旱莲草(墨旱莲) han lian cao eclipta Ecliptae Herba
A192 杭菊花 hang ju ua Hangzhou chrysanthemum flower Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis 
A193 诃子 he zi chebule Chebulae Fructus
A194 合欢皮 he huan pi silk tree bark Albizziae Cortex
A195 何首乌 he shou wu  flowery knotweed root  Polygoni Multiflori Radix 
A196 荷叶 he ye lotus leaf Nelumbinis Folium
A197 鹤虱 he shi carpesium seed Carpesii Fructus
A198 鹤虱 he shi carpesium seed Carpesii Fructus
A199 黑附片 hei fu pian black sliced aconite accessory tuber Aconiti Tuber Laterale Denigratum
A200 黑芝麻 hei zhi ma black sesame seed Sesami Semen Atrum
A201 红参 hong shen red ginseng Gingseng Radix Rubra
A202 红大戟 hong da ji  knoxia root Knoxiae Radix
A203 红豆蔻 hong dou kou galangal fruit Alpiniae Galangae Fructus
A204 红花 hong hua carthamus flower Carthami Flos
A205 红药子 hong yao zi tripterygium wilfordii sub- Pteroxygoni Radix
A206 厚朴 hou po magnolia bark Magnoliae Cortex
A207 厚朴花 hou po hua magnolia flower(2)  Magnoliae Flos(2) 
A208 胡黄连 hu huang lian picrorhiza root Picrorhizae Rhizoma
A209 葫芦巴 hu lu ba fenugreek seed Foeni-Graeci Semen
A210 槲寄生 hu ji sheng red-berried mistletoe Visci Ramus
A211 虎杖 hu zhang bushy knotweed root Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma
A212 琥珀 hu po amber Succinum
A213 花椒 hua jiao zanthoxylum husk Zanthoxyli Pericarpium
A214 花蕊石 hua rui shi ophicalcite Ophicalcitum
A215 滑石粉 hua shi fen talcum Talcum
A216 化橘红 hua ju hong Huazhou pomelo rind Citri Grandis Exocarpium Rubrum
A217 淮牛膝 huai niu xi achyranthes root Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix
A218 淮山药 huai shan yao dioscorea root Dioscoreae Rhizoma
A219 槐花 huai hua sophora flower Sophorae Flos
A220 槐角 huai jiao sophora fruit Sophorae Fructus
A221 槐米 huai mi sophora flower bud Sophorae Flos Immaturus
A222 黄柏 huang bai phellodendron bark Phellodendri Cortex
A223 黄草 huang cao dendrobium stem Dendrobii Caulis
A224 黄丹 huang dan  minjum  Minium
A225 黄荆子 huang jing zi negundo vitex fruit Viticis Negundinis Fructus
A226 黄精 huang jing polygonatum root Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma
A227 黄连 huang lian coptis root Coptidis Rhizoma
A228 黄芪  huang qi astragalus root Astragali (Seu Hedysari) Radix
A229 黄芩 huang qin scutellaria root Scutellariae Radix
A230 黄药子 huang yao zi air potato Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber
A231 活血根 huo xue gen   salvia root Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix
A232 火麻仁 huo ma ren hemp seed Cannabis Semen
A233 藿香 huo xiang agastache/patchouli Agastaches seu Pogostemi Herba/Agastaches Herba
A234 鸡骨草 ji gu cao prayer-beads Abri Cantoniensis Herba cum Radice
A235 鸡冠花 ji guan hua cockscomb flower Celosiae Cristatae Flos
A236 鸡内金 ji nei jin gizzard lining Galli Gigerii Endothelium
A237 鸡血藤 ji xue teng millettia root and stem Milllettiae Radix et Caulis
A238 急性子 ji xing zi garden balsam seed Impatientis Balsaminae Semen
A239 蒺藜 ji li  tribulus fruit Tribuli Fructus

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